Wednesday 29 April 2015

In this guide:


General building rules

Level 10 towers

Level 20 towers

Bugs and glitches

Hybrid guide

Level 30 guide

X20 fun mode guide




Hello and welcome to Darkweaver.DE’s Legion TD X10 guide. Clan DE wants to improve X10 gameplay, so here I am putting some useful info together that all X10 fans must read, really.
The X10 version of Legion TD Mega is very popular on and there is a new game every 1 or 2 minutes at peak times on the Clan DE bot. However, the skill level is low and quality games are rare, because X10 requires a slightly different approach in order to make your game more effective. The purpose of this guide is to enhance the skills of all X10 players.
Before we get into that, I am obliged to mention that there are many bugs and problems in X10 as of now and I would encourage someone to join Clan DE on Northrend(Europe) and recode the bloody map, but I will talk more about the bugs and glitches later. Nevertheless, the game is very enjoyable to play, and with the knowledge that this guide provides, you will know how to handle any situation.
By the way, have you tried playing X10 on single player? Try it for 1 game. This will help you realise that it is much harder to play on single player, because creeps don’t get stuck/suddenly stop waiting to be killed – instead – they just gather around your army instantly and you usually need 1.5-2times more value than you would usually need on Battle.Net. This is because of all the graphics, overloads and map inefficiencies, which cause creeps to barely move until you have killed half of them already. We must accept and capitalize on this for now, which is actually needed in order to gain more income and boost value for the boss levels, because bosses, unlike other waves, don’t stop and get stuck due their low number which gives the impression of bosses being insanely strong in comparison. Why am I mentioning about this? If you have 1 or 2 or, God forbid, 3 leavers in your team, your creeps will bug less and you will need to build more – much like single player, in case you wonder why sometimes waves become much more difficult.
One more thing before we get into towers and choices. It is probably a great idea to visit a very sophisticated guide to Legion TD Mega here:, there is some great information there provided by HighestIncome and is really like the bible of Legion TD that everyone should have read, because also, the current guide will avoid repeating basic information and will just focus on building upon the old guide. The only thing you must ignore is the tower information and specific builds, because almost all of the towers in X10 got different AS (Attack speed), HP (Hit Points) and DMG (Damage) and their effectiveness vary to a great extent.

General building rules

Factor 1: Speed of killing creeps

Let us apply some maths, shall we?
Take the unit Crusader (DMG: 52-60, HP: 800, AS: 0.63), which is an upgraded Novice (Elf unit).
Level 1 Crabs (120) got 34HP and 3 Armor (Light), so 2 Crusaders 1-hit them killing 3.17 Crabs per second (0.63 ias kills 1.59 Crabs per second times 2 = 3.17), which I would like to use as a benchmark. Every wave, try to be able to kill around 3 units per second at least, then you would optimize your ability to kill creeps with lower value and can push more income.
Level 2 Murlocs (150) got 48HP and 3 Armor (Unarmored) which means that Crusaders 2-hit them, in which case you need 4 Crusaders to kill 3.17 creeps per second using the formula above. Their count is 150 instead of 120, so sometimes a slight overbuild would be necessary.
Level 3 Scorpions (133) got 90HP and 3 Armor (Medium) which means Crusader still 2-hit them, making 4 Crusaders almost enough for 3 provided you don’t get sends level 3. To be perfectly safe, a 5th crusader is necessary to take care of the extra 13 creeps (133), as well as the high DPS (Damage Per Second) of Scorpions and any sends (players often save for level 3 as it is known to be a “hard” level).
So at level 3, you should have income of 8/2 or 9/2 and a value of 750 with Crusaders (Crusaders lose their effectiveness after level 3, however, so it is best to switch to another unit thereafter)
If you keep doing this calculation as a rule of thumb, you will stop all levels while having great income. I am saying rule of thumb, because you still need to take account of other factors such as Damage type, Armor type, Movement speed and others, and do slight variation when needed.
-Be aware that a Furbolg (+3 armor to creeps) may increase the number of hits needed to kill, which would dramatically reduce your killing power. For example – 5 Orc Warchiefs (Tier6 of Orc) stop level 5 easily due to 1-hitting the birds, however, furbolg makes them 2-hit, which would cause you to leak 1/3 to 1/2 of the wave instead of having an easy wave. You can neutralize the effect of a furbolg by building Ice troll (for damage return aura), Flying Machine (ranged damage increase aura), Captain (damage aura) or even Elite Archer that will damage all creeps a little essentially giving you opportunity to still 1-hit creeps.
-Be aware of projectile inefficiency which we will discuss below.

Factor 2: Projectiles

We chose Crusaders for our example above, which have almost a 100% projectile optimization which means that their attack is instant and does not result in damage/hit waste unlike some ranged towers, for example Apparition – Apparition will shift focus to a low hp unit and shoot, however, by the time the projectile reaches its target, it is likely that the unit will already be finished off by another tower, which would cause you to lose your hit completely and guess what – if this happens half of the times (as it often does), it is as if your Apparition got twice as little damage output as it should have. With this in mind, melee towers are great for early game when you don’t have too many towers (that would otherwise get stuck if all are melee) as your damage will be optimized and you can push the greatest amount of income.
However, during the 2nd stage of the game(Level s 11 to 20) and especially lategame (Levels  21 to 30) it is better to switch to ranged towers as with time another factor kicks in that I call the walking/idle time, which is discussed next.
-Slow projectile towers are still very effective at bosses (since a lot of the slow projectile towers deal high pierce damage, such as Tuskarr and Apparition).
-If you choose instant projectile or fast projectile ranged towers (such as Proton or Revenant) you can achieve the same optimized effect as with melee towers.

Factor 3: Walking/idle time

Let us focus on early game (Levels 1-10). Sometimes you see a player that clears melee waves easily and suddenly leaks a huge number of creeps on a ranged wave. That is often because of the walking time of melee towers. On a ranged wave, melee units often get confused and run around a lot, and guess what – if they run around, they don’t hit. Similarly to a slow projectile ranged tower, melee towers lose a big portion of damage output this way.
Later in the game, we also see a lot of idle time, where you have too many towers and they block each other or simply don’t move for the same reason that creeps don’t move and get stuck as explained in the introduction.
-Building a Tree of Travel greatly reduces walking time and can improve significantly your ability to kill ranged waves such as 4, 8, 12 and 20, provided that you have significant melee tower power.
-Having an all-ranged army of towers dramatically increases your ability to stop ranged waves, because creeps can’t focus only 1 of your towers and can’t kill off your army 1 by 1 and also, creeps’ idle time is increased, because they get blocked behind other creeps not able to reach your ranged army. And of course – your ranged army has a very very low walking/idle time which optimizes your damage output in this regard.
So ideally, if you have a fast-projectile ranged army (such as Alphas or Fire Archers) + ranged tanks (such as Assault tanks or Hydras) you would be able to get 9/10 income at the end of level 7, for example.

Factor 4: Income

Everything about income is written on the Mega Guide on the link above. However, there are new standards for what income to have on which level in X10. Generally, you must income as fast as possible and never procrastinate, it makes a big accumulative difference in the long run.

A good x10 player – a so called pro - will have a certain income on certain levels:

Beginning of Level 4 – between 9/2 and 9/4
Beginning of Level 5 – between 9/4 and 9/6
Beginning of Level 6 – between 9/6 and 9/8
Beginning of Level 7 – between 9/6 and 9/9
Beginning of Level 8 – between 9/6 and 9/9
Beginning of Level 9 – between 9/8 and 9/10
Beginning of Level 10 – between 9/8 and 9/10
Beginning of Level 11 – between 9/10 and 9/12
Beginning of Level 12 – between 9/11 and 9/14
Beginning of Level 13 – between 9/13 and 9/15
Beginning of Level 14 – between 9/13 and 9/15
Beginning of Level 15 – 9/15 – this is the absolute deadline for maxing income if you want to survive late game. Ideally, it should be maxed end of level 12.            

Level 10 Towers

Effective Level 10 towers in order of power:
1. Riders (mass)
2. Tuskarr spearman (mass)
3. Hydra (mass)
4. Alpha (mass)
5. Tree of branch (mass)
6. Krogoth (mass)
7. Fire Archers (mass)
8. Mistress (support, single)
9. Gnoll barrage™(support)
10. Ogre barrage (support)
11. Magnataur/tree of time (support)
12. Ascendant/blood orc warlock/villain (support)
13. Revenants (mass)
14. Harpies/Medusas (support)
15. Auras (support)
16. Greymane (blockade + ranged support/disable)
17. Zeus (mass)

*Support means that the tower is used for its effect such as slow or stun and not as primary boss killer. You must only build 1 of most of the support towers such as Mistress or Magnataur which apply effect on all bosses. However, if you build gnolls or ogres (not upgraded), you must mass them to a certain extent, so they can slow down bosses and give your DPS towers time to kill them off.
As you can see, the most effective towers are the two ranged pierce and somewhat slow projectile towers - Riders and Tuskarrs. Most players don’t use these towers, because they are weak on a normal wave. This is the reason most players believe that it is too hard to stop Level 10, while in reality, it is required to simply prepare well and apply different principles than you would apply for a normal wave. Also, you need to prepare for a boss level ahead of time. You cannot start building anti-boss towers from 9 to 10, it is already too late. You need to start preparing from level 7 latest, ideally earlier. It is a necessary sacrifice to survive level 10 and you will still do fine as long as you mix the anti-boss towers with good anti-wave towers.
Following this stream of thought – sending on bosses must always be allowed, because otherwise you simply bully the good players that have prepared for the boss level to sacrifice for nothing. This is a game, and the best players win it, so accept it and if you cannot stop level 10 by yourself, keep learning and practicing this guide. With time, you will start to always kill boss levels no matter of sends or not, like I do. I always kill the boss level even with hybrid, with at least 9/8 and with heavy sends. Clan DE members who play with me know that. I will post an advanced Hybrid strategy guide later.
Note: players often complain that they got “unlucky” and don’t have the necessary towers (in case of prophet). In my experience, that is simply because the player doesn’t know how to apply the towers he gets and/or rerolls too many times missing on great anti-boss towers. Very very occasionally, it happens that you get unlucky to the point of being unable to stop the boss wave – even then, you can cut down on lumber, or ask your team to overbuild a little for you. After all, this is a team game, and someone always gets solid anti-boss towers.

Level 20 Towers

Effective Level 20 towers in order of power:
1. Phoenix (mass)
2. Royal Griffin (mass)
3. Mercurial (mass)
4. Mistress (single)
5. Hydra (mass)
6. Harpy (support)
7. High Priest (mass + tanks)
8. Assault tanks (mass + magic damage behind)
9. Ascendant (support)
10. Tree of travel (support)
11. Blood orc/villain (support)
12. Auras in general (captain, troll, etc)
13. Riders (mass/support)
14. Big foot (support)
15. Warden (mass)
16. Greymane (blockade + long range support)

Sharing auras with your lane mate greatly increases your potential of killing 20. Same principles apply as on Level 10, you need to start preparing early by building anti-boss towers from early and also by max-ing income as specified, which will boost your value enormously by level 20.

Bugs and glitches

1. Gold glitches: By using the following towers it is possible to get more value for less gold on early levels
Tuskarr – Costs 10 gold initially, but you would lose another 10 gold some seconds later
Peewee – Costs 15 gold initially, but you would lose another 10 gold some seconds later
Servant – Costs 20 gold initially, but you would lose another 20 gold some seconds later
Trident - Costs 210 gold initially, but you would lose another 40 gold some seconds later

2. Wraith glitch – Wraiths acquire the Healing Wave ability (Medicine Man) if any of the players (or yourself) build an Oracle.

3. Tree of Branch glitch – Tree of Branch will only cast its spell if you have Yggrassil or Tree of Life present in your army. Otherwise they will never use its heal.

4. Alpha glitch – after you build many alphas (say – 10), when one alpha cast bloodlust all other alphas get it too, so it is pretty much permanent bloodlust.
5. Death Dragon glitch – Death Dragons have slow on their attack which is not written anywhere.
6. Level 30 bosses glitch – Level 30 bosses can be forced to stay at spawn if you build a tier1 unit there (nearest to the spawn) to be killed by Gromthar’s shockwave. This will only work if you have no other army nearby, so it is advisable to build as far away from spawn as possible. After successfully blocking them, you can antistuck bosses 1 by 1 to your army (although better 3 by 3).

7. Level 30 King glitch – King can move at level 30 by using king and right-clicking on ground.

8. Level 30 King glitch 2 - If king hits lvl 30 bosses, they will focus the king and ignore all other army, which makes it possible to stop 30 middle by running around.
Note:You must take control of the king beginning of level 30, because this effect has delay counted from the time you take control. (Or occasionally doesn't work, not completely sure yet) And because of that glitch, it is vital to do a team strategy level 30. (later in the guide)
There might be some others that I have forgotten.

Hybrid guide

The trick to having consistent success with Hybrid is to stick to the recommended tiers of towers during specific levels which I shall list below:

1. General  instructions from level 1 to 10:
Build tier2 for the early levels 1-2 and possibly 3. Then build only tier1 and tier4 until 10. If you do this, while upgrading all the right towers, you will probably never fail in this first stage of the game. Tier4 contain the most auras of the game + Forsaken and Mudman which are extremely strong early. Any Elder Witch Doctor, Tree of Travel/Time, Magnataur, Helicopter, Highborne will make your game easy. Tier1 are low risk and you always get some protons/revenants/fire archers/tuskars/mercurials/riders for high dps in the back. The reason for massing tier1s is because they defeat the bosses easily (because they cost very little and you can upgrade only the anti-boss ranged towers). The non-upgraded tier1s delay the boss greatly and protect your Magnataur/Tree of time for a while (you should aim to get one before 10).

*Level 1-3 – build tier2 towers and tier1 with left-over gold. Upgrade any ghoul/crusader/pyro/elite archer/pandaren, this will make level 1 very easy. Stick to these towers for levels 2 and 3 and you won’t leak + getting 9/2-9/4 before level 4. Half of the tier2 towers are very useful early and you will always get some of the good ones. If you are not completely unlucky, you will get your necessary tier2 towers early and you can use the rest of your gold to risk a Tier4 tower.
*Level  4 – you must start building more tier4 by level 4. Any tree of travel, high priest, mudman or outcast will make you strong enough for 4. Mudman or outcast upgraded could give u the option to do 9/5 before 4. However, it is still easy to stop it with tier1 upgrades behind the tier2s e.g. revenants/riders/fire archers/protons/mercurial/tuskarrs.

2. General instructions from level 11 to 20:
By level 13 you should have all of the Tier4 auras (which will carry you all the way until 20), then try to get some tier3 and tier5 auras and after level 15/16 start massing tier6 whilst only upgrading the Magic Damage towers + Big Foots + Assault Tanks. You must have Tree of Travel for level 20, it will make a big difference. If you follow this while incoming decently, you will not leak and you will catch your team’s leaks.

3. General instructions from level 21 to 30:
You must get all of the auras in the game and then massing tier6 until the end. You must do your best to prevent your army from splitting by selling the most useless towers and keep your army not spread over too large of a space. It is a good idea to build behind, instead of in front, because if you keep building in front of your army (closing in on the creeps’ spawn), your army will split leaving your auras behind and making you a lot weaker. If you avoid this, you will not leak until 30. I will post a level 30 strategy later, which includes team effort. Hybrid can stop 30 on its own due to auras, but it is very hard to do so, it is best to team up with your mates and make use of some of the glitches on level 30.

Level 30 Guide
Level 30 is the true test of strength, because it is so unbalanced level. If you are a true pro, you must be able to stop 30 without bears, which is easily done if you've got what it takes:

Team play. Yes, it takes team play to stop 30, you can't usually do it alone. The trick is to delay the bosses on 1 side (the blocking side) and build together with your line mate on the other side (the killing side). This takes preparation since level 1 in terms of positioning. You must build on the border between dark green grass and light green grass - this will enable the blocking side line mate to build towers in front of your towers (cross-style) in order to tank for you and help your army reach middle (king's side) safely. Then use the king to attract lvl 30 bosses and run around while your army is finishing them off.

You also must also apply the level 30 blocking glitch on the blocking side.

This is difficult to pull off unless you (and your line mate) get experienced at it first-hand.
Most people think level 30 is impossible without bears, but they just don't understand the game well enough.

X20 fun mode guide 

You can choose to open a computer slot instead of player as your line mate. That will spawn wave on the computer's side too and you will have to stop both waves alone. You do that by building cross style - main army opposite lane, and blockers/delayers on your lane.
You must build good level 1 towers for full gold in order to stop 1. If you don't have great towers reroll, or build all your army on the bottom side. Then even if you leak blocking side wave, you will still catch it mid with 100% bounty which will help you have enough value for easy level 2.
After that you need to push income whilst trying to not leak. Ideally income must be maxed level 7-8 (9/15, yes) or else level 20 would be very difficult. If things don't go well then 9/13 level 8, then last two during level 10. You absolutely need a lot of pierce damage for level 10, ideally starting to amass it early.

Note 1: it is very easy for your army to split in cross build, so it is good to build tier1s (close melee range) in front in order to get hit by creeps thus preventing a split.
Note 2: Sometimes if you don't have have enough blockers and you leak the blocking side wave to mid, your army will not teleport automatically to middle - you have to anti-stuck all of your army to direct it towards the mid area, then it will teleport from mid (where dark green grass ends)


1. Tuskarr

Upgraded Tuskarrs are one of the best anti-boss towers – slowing movement speed by 60% and having 600 range. Non-upgraded tuskarrs are good for levels 1-3, but lose their efficiency after 3. It is best to upgrade them for the boss level.
Tuskarrs are one of the best towers to go with greymane’s because of its high range and the slow effect – easily trapping levels 20 and 30 into a greymane blockade.

2. Frost Wolf

The non-upgraded form is pretty much useless. The upgraded Frost Wolf (Pandaren) is great for clearing early levels due to its fast attack speed

3. Ice Troll

Ice troll has a damage return aura (melee) of 4% and it stacks with its upgraded version of 8% totalling 12% damage return. This is not a great aura compared to others, but it is still helpful. Upgraded Ice troll has got an Ice Attack that slow target’s MS by 50% and it targets different units around like a harpy, which makes him very useful on boss levels in particular.

4. Polar Bear

Polar bear & its upgrade - Magnataur is probably the most useful aura on melee levels including bosses. The aura has dramatically increased range in X10. Be careful to not build polar bear in front, as it will occasionally split your army, because by slowing creeps instantly, it is preventing them from reaching your army, therefore not all of your units will see and attack the creeps. Use it on the 3rd row ideally. This tower also has a chance to stun a target.

5. Wandigoo

Not a very useful unit in X10. It is designed to tank, but there are far better tanks in x10

6. Young Frost Dragon

Young frost dragon is very useful in clearing early levels due to its AOE nuke. However, a Hermit send will reverse the effect, so it is a risky early game tower. The upgrade deals splash damage to both ground and air and has frost armor that slows attacking enemies. Decent tower, however, it is not very strong as game progresses, I would avoid it for mid-late game.

7. Specter

Specter has 2 upgrades – Wraith and Mercurial. Wraiths casts slow and can also cast healing wave like a Medicine Man provided there is an Oracle built by any player on the map (it is a glitch pretty much). Mercurial is insane boss killer as it casts a heavy slow + deals up to 200dps, which is great for its cost. However, Mercurial cannot tank as it has extremely low HP.
Use Mercs on level 10, 20 and 30

8. Wanderer

Wanderer hasn’t changed much since Mega and is most useful as support on boss levels, upgraded as a Soul of Villain. Soul of Hero upgrade can be used to clear early levels, but is nothing special.

9. Phantom

Phantom is useful on non-boss levels, but it is very ineffective on boss levels. It has high DPS, uses mana to hit (Messiah is effective with Phantom/Hell Raisers), but very low HP.

10. Outcast

Outcast is a good early game tower. Its upgrade – Forsaken One, is one of the best early-mid game towers as it has a chance (on attack) to buff itself for more damage and 25 extra armor, which makes it the best tank for value in early-mid game and also has fast attackspeed, clearing early waves very effectively.
You do not need too many Forsakens, just a few will do the job, enabling you to have top income.

11. Apparition

The slow projectile of Apparition and its upgrade makes it an ineffective tower on non-boss levels. However, it has an aura that stacks with its upgrade, giving a total of 15% (5 + 10) of damage reduction to creeps and bosses.
Decent DPS on the first boss level.

12. Dark Priest

Dark priest deals high damage (around 100) with around 0.5 AS, so a total of around 200dps. Mass Dark Priests behind good tanks can stop level 20. It has somewhat slow projectile making it ineffective on non-boss levels. Its upgrade – Meridian – deals the same Damage per second (200DPS), can tank a little more and has strong disable. Paying 390 without getting any extra damage make this tower useless on non-boss levels. It is helpful on boss levels and lategame because of range+disable, but it is not worth its value. Be very careful when building Meridians/Dark Priests as they are useless on non-boss levels.

13. Colt

Colt is useless. Its upgrade – Rider – is a great Level 10 boss killer, but also useful on 20 and 30 due to casting disable (same as Wraith). It also has very high DPS for its cost, but not as effective on non-boss levels due to its projectile inefficiency.

14. Novice

Novice is not very useful. Its upgrade – Crusader – is great for level 1-3 as it has high attack speed and clears wave quickly, giving you the opportunity to income.

15. Sentry

Sentry and its upgrade – Nightsaber, are not very strong in X10. It is possible to use them early game, but there are far better towers.

16. Prisoner

Prisoner is not very strong in X10. Its upgrade – Maverick – is improved to cast illusion even without being hit by a creep, making it an OK tower early game, but nothing special.

17. Druid

Druid is a weak tower. It has two upgrades:
1. Ascendant, which is very weak on non-boss levels, but is great as support on boss levels due to its armor decrease skill
2. Swordmage, which is great on non-boss levels due to its high DMG and high AS early-mid game.

18. Moon Guard

Nothing special, it has fan of knives which helps clearing early waves. The upgrade – Warden – has a lifesteal skill (15%), making it a decent early-game tower (except on ranged magic levels (8 and 16). Being melee will backfire as game progresses, however, it is possible to stop level 20 with mass wardens.

19. Orc Warrior

Upgraded into Blood Orc Warrior or Wolverine – it can be used to clear early levels. However, it is not very strong and it doesn’t crit bosses.

20. Orc Warlock

Orc Warlock (10% dmg decrease of target) and its upgrade (4 Armor reduction of target) can be used on boss levels as support due to their effect attack.

21. Raider

Raider is a good tank and decent early game tower. Its upgrade, however, is useless.

22. Young Witch Doctor

Young doctor is one of the two best early game auras (together with Magnataur), giving your army 10HP per sec regen and 20HP per sec for its upgraded form. It is most effective with mass melee units, but it is good with any units.

23. Wyvern

Wyvern and its upgrade are not strong towers. Its upgrade can be used as support to apply a harpy-like poison effect.

24. Orc Warchief

Warchief has more HP in X10 and its AOE ability attack is good at clearing early ground levels. However, it is weak against Hermit, so be very careful if you build it levels 1-3, you would need to add other towers and boost value if you play against good player who will send Hermit. Its upgrade has a mana-regulated stun that can be improved with Messiah and fortified armor making it a decent tank. However, it is not very cost-efficient and sometimes it is best to keep Warchiefs non-upgraded until level 20.

25. Goblin Scientist

It is only useful upgraded – Dwarven Engineer clears levels 1 and 2 very effectively. It is pretty much useless after that. It has a 3rd upgrade – Mutant, which is weak and not worth upgrading.

26. Servant

Servant and slavemaster are pretty much useless in X10.

27. Tribesman

Tribesman is weak, but its upgrade – Alpha is very good early-game tower, and also kills bosses easily when amassed. When you have many Alphas, they are all in constant blood lust, because even if 1 casts it, all of them get the buff – it is some sort of glitch. The tower has a net ability.

28. Medicine Man

Medicine man is useless.
The uprade – Oracle, casts healing wave as well in X10, buffing the HP of up to 6 immediately adjacent towers. It is useless to mass them, but can build some with tier6 towers around them sometimes.

29. Harlot

Harlot is pretty much useless.
Its upgrade – Mistress, has an insane debuff – causing enemies to miss, with huge aoe, great for boss levels. Mistress has good dps, too, but not a great tank.

30. Minotaur

Minotaur is pretty much useless. Can be used early due to its Tremor AOE ability, but Hermit send would completely neutralise it.
Its upgrade – Big Foot – is a good tower on melee levels and great for level 20 support. Don’t make too many of them, and make them in different locations so they don’t stun at the same time. Also, avoid building them in front, because they can sometimes split your army (similar to Magnataur).

31. Acolyte

Acolyte is useless and it costs food to build.
The upgrade – Revenant, is a very good tower, however, and is worth the 1 food. It cannot tank, but it has great focus and DPS.

32. Ghoul

Ghoul’s are useless, but the upgrade is very good early game. Its life-steal effect makes it tanky and has decent DMG and very high AS. It is weak level 4 and it loses its efficiency after level 6. Best to not mass them.

33. Meat Wagon

Meat wagon and its upgrade can easily stop level 1 and 2, and other early levels, but its projectile inefficiency makes it a bit weak. There are far better towers

34. Necromancer

Necromancer and its first upgrade - Necrolyte - are not very strong. They are OK on the first boss level, but useless on other levels.
The second upgrade – Ghost, however, is an amazing tower mid-late game due to its HP reduction aura. It is too expensive to build before 10. But after 10 is well worth the gold.

35. Zombie

Zombie and its upgrade are not strong towers, but can be used for its small-range dmg reduction aura. Not particularly useful.

36. Guardian of Death

This tower (splash dmg to ground) is great on levels 1-3 and the upgrade (ranged + splash dmg to ground + air + slow effect) is good in all stages of the game on non-boss levels. It is very weak on boss levels, however.

37. Peewee

Peewees and the upgrade (Veteran) are very good early game towers in mass as they have high DMG and AS and they have the Wolverine ability to crit a target. However, they do not crit bosses and it is not good to build too many.

38. Infantry

Infantry is nothing special with 2 upgrades – Pyro and Zeus. Pyro upgrade can hold early levels, but is nothing special in X10. Same for Zeus – can be used to kill bosses, but is generally weak for its cost on all levels.

39. Captain

Captain and its upgrade - Admiral got higher range in X10, enabling them to survive and give aura for longer to your army – Damage increase aura, which stacks with the upgraded aura. Great tower, but very weak DPS, avoid building very early.

40. Tempest

Tempest is an ok tower level 1 and 2, but it is not very useful; best to avoid it. Its upgrade
- Leviathan, is useless.

41. Cyborg

Cyborg has high DMG, making it strong level 3 and 4 due to 1-hitting creeps. It is weak level 1 and 2 due to slow attack speed and not too high HP.
Its upgrade – Krogoth, has 27% to do 4times more damage, which essentially gives it double damage. It is a decent tower and can hold first boss level, and even level 20, provided you have tree of travel.

42. Neotank

Neotank is very weak early due to its bad focus. It is also weak all game in X10.
Its upgrade – doomsday got a dmg reduction aura (melee range) and small lifesteal. However, it is not very useful in X10 – it is one of the weakest tier6 for its price. Best to avoid it.

43. Land Mine


44. Geomancer

The upgrade is a decent tank early game.

45. Machine Turret

Good early game tower, but not very good against bosses. Requires 1 food.
Useless for mid-late game.

46. Flying Machine

Flying machine gives ranged damage increase aura.
Its upgrade – Helicopter, gives a better version of the same aura, but they do not stack.
It is one of the best auras, especially if you have ranged army. Well worth building. Useless to mass them, best to build just 1.

47. Alchemist

Alchemist clears level 1-3 easily.
Its upgrade – Goblin Blaster - is useful early game – great for level 3, 4, 6 and 9. No point massing them, they lose their efficiency mid-late game.

48. Steamroller

Steamroller is not a great tower, best to upgrade it.
Its upgrade – Assault Tank – is one of the best t6 towers in the game. A total hp of 4100 (including Goblin Driver) and increased damage since the Mega version, can hold any wave late game. Not useful before 10, but well worth building after 11. Can stop level 20 with magic damage towers behind.

49. Hatchling

Only the Fangtooth upgrade is useful to clear levels 1-3. The defiler upgrade may be used for its slow effect, but still not very useful.

50. Egg Sack

Egg sack is a good tank. Great delayer on the first boss level, because the shield activates after 2nd boss hit due to having more HP in X10.
The upgrade can be used on level 5, but its focus is bad, so not recommended. Pretty much useless.

51. Bottom Feeder

Bottom feeder is probably the best tank in X10 if we only consider HP as factor. However, its attack speed is reduced greatly and it deals very low damage. Cannot stop waves alone.
Its upgrade is similar.
Both can be sold for 90% of its cost.

52. Mermaid

Mermaid casts frost armor which can be useful against melee creeps/bosses. Its upgrade – Highborne is very good as it casts 2 frost armors at a time + healing cloud for 10hp/sec that also damages enemies.
Do not mass these towers, just build 1 or maximum 2 Highbornes. They can’t be used as DPS/tank.

53. Komodo

Not a very useful.
Its upgrade can stun and has good AS, but is nothing special. There are far better towers.

54.  Sea Giant

Sea Giant is one of the best t6 – it has solid HP + fast AS + high DMG + AOE dmg ability on attack. Can clear early levels easily, however, level 1 is hard for Sea Giant against Hermit.
The upgrade – Hydra – is again, one of the best t6 upgrades in the game, it is good on all levels, a bit weak on level 7, 11 and 17. Great boss killer on both 10 and 20.

55. Peasant

Peasant is one of the best non-upgraded t1. It has decent DMG/AS for its price and is very tanky (175hp)
The upgrade is not as great, but can clear level 1-3 very fast.
Peasant can be used on boss level as delayers.

56. Archer

Archers are useless.
Elite archers are good on non-boss levels, but useless on boss levels. It is ok to build a couple early. They are pretty much useless after 10.

56. Footman

Footman can tank well, but has very low dps.
The upgrade – Guard is also a solid tank, especially against pierce, but has low damage still.

57. Priest

Priests and High Priests have heal (Messiah increases the rate of healing) and have bad focus (projectile) but good damage. They can stop level 20 provided you have tanks for them.

58. Knight

Not a strong unit.

59. Dragon Hawk

Both Dragon Hawk and its upgrade are not very strong T6, but can kill level 20 easily if amassed.

60. Gnoll warrior

Gnoll has more HP in X10 and applies harpy-like slow effect per hit to adjacent units. It is a great boss delayer and can also be useful upgraded sometimes.
It is best to just build some non-upgraded gnolls, however. (Up to 2 rows)

61. Ogre Basher

Ogre Basher is the 2nd best incoming tower for levels 1-3. Very tanky with fast AS and the ability to bash and do extra damage can stop early levels with very low value; and can be effectively used as delayer on first boss level. Never upgrade ogres, unless you play hybrid.
The upgrade is not cost-effective and is generally best to keep them non-upgraded and sell them mid game as you will need the space for other towers.

62. Harpy

Harpy is amazing support tower, applying slow/poison effect to different units on every hit. Harpy can be upgraded to Medusa with even greater slow/poison effect. It provides great support for level 10, 20 and 30. Be careful as harpies cannot be used as DPS but instead as support after you have a solid dps/tank.

63. Troll Fighter

Troll fighter is useless.
The upgrade however, has a great aura and even decent DMG/AS. Aura increased both attack and movement speed and helps your army get into position faster which is crucial for boss levels.

64. Grizzly

Grizzly is useless.
However, as everyone who is playing X10 knows, the upgrade is insanely strong tower due to its ability to be focused last by creeps and therefore blocking the creeps, rendering them disabled in a sense. It has fortified armour, high AS and good DMG.
Be careful as greymane is weak on levels 10 and 20 without good support. For 10 you need high range/disable (harpies/tuskarrs, ideally) and for 20 you need long range/magic dps/support.

65. Spawn of Dragon

Spawn of dragon is great for levels 1-3, similar to Guardian of Death.
The upgrade is also good at non-boss levels, but very weak at boss levels, cheaper, but weaker than Death Dragons and does not apply slow effect.
It is recommended to build a maximum of 2 before 10 if any, and generally not massing them as it will hinder you at boss levels.

66. Ent

Ents and the upgrade is useless in X10.

67. Ranger

Ranger and its upgrade are pretty much useless.
The upgrade can be used to apply the effect of taking extra damage from pierce attacks on first boss level, if you have primarily pierce damage. Build only 1-2 of them.

68. Sprite

Pretty much useless, the upgrade too.

69. Tree of Travel

Tree of travel is a very important aura on ranged levels and mid late game in general by giving your army 50% extra movement speed. Try and always build it if you get the chance.
The upgrade is very strong too, similar to Magnataur, applying big AOE slow effect. However, it does not stack with Magnataur and it is no point building one if you already have a Magnataur.
Tree of time and Tree of travel are very important auras.

70. Halfbreed

Halfbreed is pretty much useless.
The upgrade is a decent aura and is great to have. A bit too expensive for early game as it is a generally weak tower, so you may consider upgrading it after 10. But it is ok upgrading earlier too sometimes.

71. Yggdrasil

Yggrasil is a strong early game tower with its fortified armor and ability to heal surrounding units. Ygg is a bit weak level 1, so you must build for all gold perhaps, but becomes stronger. It is weak level 6.
It can be upgrade into 3 other towers, out of which the only useful one is Tree of Branch due to his high HP and DPS, insane AS and also has the heal ability of Ygg. However, you must have 1 Ygg to enable Tree of Branch’s ability to heal. If you don’t keep an Ygg, they won’t heal – another glitch.
Yggs and its upgrades are useless mid and late game.

72. Bone Warrior

Bone Warrior is pretty useless, except on level 1.
It can be upgraded into Dark Mage, Skeletor or Fire Archer.
Skeletor is only useful early levels and best avoided.
Dark Mage is very expensive and not worth building unless you have powerful t6 towers early that you can cast buff to.
Fire Archer is a decent tower as long as you have good tanks. Can be used to stop the first boss level.

73. Carrion Spitter

Useless tower. The upgrade is useless, too. Can be massed on first boss level as a LAST resort.

74.  Gateguard

Gateguard has same HP/DMG/effect as Raider. Good tank, useful early game.
Do not upgrade them, it is not worth.

75. Overseer

Overseer gives life-steal and it stacks with its upgraded aura effect.
Overseer and its upgrade have very slow Attack speed and consequently DPS and must be avoided early game, however, it is great if you have a good melee dps like Nightmare, Tree of Branch or Krogoth.

76. Nightmare

Nightmare is good early game tower, but ineffective on ranged levels.
The upgrade is even better, but still ineffective on ranged levels.
It works very well with life-steal.

77. Lord of Death

LOD is the best incoming tower early game due to the immolation ability of its infernal - can stop level 1 and 2 alone.
Its upgrade – Hades – is improved so that his minions last 60 seconds now. Messiah significantly increases the effectiveness of Hades/LOD as they re-summon faster.
Later in the game, if you mass them, they can cause your army to bug and stop due to too many units. This could be a problem level 20, so having a Tree of Travel would be very effective.
Hades would increase overall game delay as per my experience.

78. Proton

Protons, as most X10 players know, are imbalanced early game tower. Fast attack speed and instant attack, and good damage make it one of the best incoming towers. You just need 1 tank on level 7 usually. They are not the best boss killer, but can stop the first boss level. Their effectiveness decreases thereafter, rendering them totally useless on 2nd boss level and late game. It is recommended to not build too many as you might have to sell them late game for space.

79. Aqua Spirit

Aqua is useful early game until level 5.
Same goes for its upgrade.
They are very weak on boss levels and their effectiveness diminishes quickly after the first levels, it is best to build other (better) towers.

80. Watcher

Watcher is useless, but its upgrade is improved in X10 with increased Gust damage and 1 extra Gust per second. They can be used early game depending on other towers they you have. Weak against Hermit.
They can even be massed to stop level 20 if no other choice, provided you have decent tanks.

81. Mudman

Mudman is a great tank with decent DPS.
The upgrade is one of the best tanks in the game with 2800 HP for only 340g. It deals OK dmg, too.

82. Disciple

Disciple is not very useful.
The upgrade – Messiah – gives you a great Mana Regeneration aura and is useful if you have towers that use mana – Hydras, Hell Raisers, Priests, Hades, Phoenix, LOD, Fire Archers, Zeus, Thrall and others. However, some towers have spell cooldown and would not re-cast spell earlier even with full mana, such as BigFoot and Meridian.

83. Seer of Darkness

Seer of darkness is a decent tank, but is very weak early game due to its focus and AS.
The upgrade is similar, dealing more mana-related damage and tanking even more.
Seer and its upgrade are mainly used to defeat level 20.

Waves (Compiled by Tjackpundarn.DE)


  1. Why am I blocked , can not enter the game?
    My id QkQk

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Why am I blocked , can not enter the game?
    My id QKQK123

  4. Why am I blocked , can not enter the game?
    My id QKQK123

    1. You are not banned, go to Clan DE on if you have any questions.

  5. Hi, im trying to find Clan De's community on But couldn't find it ... How can i find your Clan there ?? I got some problems to conncet in DE's servers now, that is strange, cause i used to play very often on DE's server.. Please give me a help

    1. Hi.
      I am not sure as I never used and I don't host the bots either. You can find the clan on Northrend ( -> Join Clan DE (/j clan de).

    2. i was banned and i just play x10. my little brother plays sometimes and he left during a game. I apologize for it. The username is pericoli or warlocker.
      Tks :)

    3. Message me on bnet! Or /join Clan DE.
